"Colossal" things are coming...

Friday, October 14, 2005

Do you see the world as a dull place? Nothing exciting ever happens. Always the same news on the same TV-screen and talking to the same friends about the same subjects. And for some arcane reason, H.P. Lovecraft's writings have still yet not come true. Or have they? Giant fossil found in India. Could this be... it might actually be... yes, it must be!
Behold, Cthulu and Shub-niggurath are finally arriving! *chant* *chant*

Shut up! Stop chanting! Yes, I'm talking to you. No, not you. Yes, you, with the hood and the "Death rules your ass!" T-shirt. You really shouldn't wear that in public -- we don't want to read that and I bet Death would have a thing or two to say about your taste in clothes.

Listen... do you hear that?
That, is Mr Lovecraft, turning like a washing machine in his grave.

When you have stared yourself blind at that footage, you might want to take a look at this for more commercial fun.


At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So nothing to do eh?

Well at least you got a computer over there that doesn't suck balls.
And it's your own private comp. :P

And you can play all of the newest games anytime you want.

Check my list on my livejournal. That's how many and more games I'll miss because I'm stranded here on a beach of modems.

I want my 10mbit line! *cry whine*

And seriously if you want to come by to my apartment someday you're more than welcome to do so.

And also drag Ante here as well.

I need dudes who understands my pain.

Think of the games... why won't anyone think of the games?!

hrrm anyway, seeya pal.


PS: on my webpage under the folder "Winchester" you'll see some of the pictures I've already taken and that's the folder I'm going to put more pictures into whenever I buy a camera.


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