See Shades of Gray

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Just gonna mention this movie I found. I was supposed to come up with an outline for the proper application of crazy glue to moving pictures, and instead I ended up watching Shades of Gray which is an independent shoestring-budget movie. If you liked Star Wreck you would probably like this one as well. It's not a sci-fi movie and it doesn't reference other works, it's just a good old funny movie. Good characters, good acting and quick paced. And if you look at the timestamp on this blog entry, you should be able to guess exactly how many viciously hairy imps that are having a party in my head right now. If I should claim the earth to be flat, that just means they've knocked out the part that... refers to... what was I going to say? Yes, they might mess it up for me so that I'll say something crazy, like that birds can fly or something.

That was all for tonight, I hope to see you again soon (yes, I can see you).


At 7:14 PM, Blogger Richard said...

They don't say what resolution they support. I'm a bit suspicious it will be awfully low (especielly considering the price).

At 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got a reply from the company.

"Thank you for contacting eDimensional. Our glasses work at whatever resolution your monitor is set to."

Which I'm a bit hesitant about.

I mean if the glasses can take any kind of resolution that my monitor is set to then it has to be quite damned good to accept resolutions over 1280x for example.

What do you think?



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