What it's not about

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

So, today I will tell you what this is not about and what I won't do (unless I change my mind, which has happened a number of times... like three or something). What is this post not about? It's not about a lot of things. It's not about childcare or rocketships (although rocketships are cool, don't get me wrong; childcare does not go well with rocketships which is a shame). It's not about sex (which can lead to childcare). It's not about learning to speak a foreign language (which might be useful depending on where you live). It's almost not about movies and it's almost not about me.

No, wait, I gotta be here somewhere? Everything here is about ME! I like me. Me is good. Me is intelligent and good looking. At least according to my world. Ever heard of planet Crypton? I'm from the neighbouring planet: planet Squishy. Everyone there except me are made of green slime (I strongly suspect I was adopted). Sometimes on my planet we... you're not buying this, are you?
Darn. Anyway, the reason I came here is because I haven't written anything here in a long bad while. I say bad because it's bad when I don't write so that I can't give you the chance to not read what I write.

Got that?

The reason for the not-about-ed-ness is my decision not to review movies here. I've been thinking to and fro about it and decided not to. I'll talk about movies I've seen or I'm going to see from time to time, but no straight I-giveth-this-movie-three-and-two-thirds-of-a-half-of-a-"jolly-good" reviews.

Talking about movies, I'm eagerly awaiting Serenity by Joss Whedon, based on the Firefly TV-series. The series haven't been shown on TV in Sweden but the movie will premiere here in november. I own the Firefly DVD-boxset (I'm such a geek) and it's a good show, sadly they cancelled it midseason. If you want to know more about the story of Firefly and it's rise to big screen, just do a google: "I'm feeling lucky" for firefly.

Bloody hell! When I start writing here there's nothing stopping me. Except for maybe a power outage, or a nymphomaniac man-deprived female supermodel. I've suffered multiple power outages and still, I haven't seen even a tiny piece of that supermodel. Well, actually, I'm happy that I haven't found a piece of her, that would be disgusting in a gore-is-ok-in-movies-but-so-not-ok-in-real-life-kind of way.
Based on this empiric observation I conclude that probability mathematics are rubbish.

See how I began this in a completely different way then how I ended it? That's consistency for ya! A clouded mind creates confusing text (I heard that line was going to be in Starwars 7). Now, that's all for me for tonight... I can't stop typing! Help! Somebody, help me! HELP! ANYBODY!?

I'm still here. Maybe some random female supermodel could help me out of this predicament?
Damn, it didn't work this time either. Well, this is too long and disarrayed already and I need my beautysleep (like it helps). So, good night or good morning or good afternoon or whatever.