Another boat hits the ground sinking

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I have received letter after letter from devoted fans asking me to continue my bodypart foray. They've said things like "I've never learned this much... ever!" and "You are intelligent and good looking and I wish I could be just like you." and "Is it possible to buy plush dolls of you? I want to have one on my computer screen so you're always with me."

Then I woke up. But if there is an actual demand for plush toys of me, I'll see what I can do (join my fanclub). It's been a while since I've written anything, and that's because I'm writing but I'm not writing it here. Or, I'm supposed to be writing but I've been rewatching Veronica Mars season one for the last few days. I've also had like... at LEAST four classes... in like... three weeks? =)

It's apparent that I'm suffering from missing time syndrome. So I've either gone through a rift in time while driving my car or I've been abducted by aliens (maybe also while driving my car). Or, it could be that I was abducted by aliens while inside the time rift... which means there could be more than one of me! Have you seen me and I seemed not to be myself? In that case, call me... the me that you didn't see that is...

I've been having one of my delusions of grandeur when I think: "I can model my own 3D world!". Well, I can't do that because a world is kind of... big. Anyway, I've been fiddeling with that for some time until I came out of my delusional state. It's feels good to know I don't have to make my own world when I already own this one. Very comforting, with my own servants and all.

Other than that I've been writing on chapter two of Ben Reeper's epic tale of racoons and a sinking Titanic. I've also been thinking about a short-movie synopsis I have to turn in soon for one of the courses I'm taking -- it's turning out to be quite a ride.

Where the hell is the servant who I sent for grape juice? Being ruler of the world is quite a chore, I can tell you that. Anyway, I have to go check up on my plush doll manifacturing plant I ordered a few days ago.

By the way: Veronica Mars rocks my... brain lobes.


At 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bah... the actor behind Veronica Mars is cute sure.

But she's no Elisabeth Hurley! Mohahaa..!

Just look at her!


At 11:25 PM, Blogger mateya said...

I agree.. Liz Hurley - at least at the time of doing "Bedazzled" sure was a real babe.. though ms. "Veronica Mars" is damn hot too and well.. the series is also very good :) actually one of the best shows I've seen so far.. you on the other hand, suck :)

At 3:33 PM, Blogger gaijin said...

It's probably the best topic so far. "Another boat hits the ground sinkint"... sure as hell made me laugh.

And I completely agree with Sami n' Andreas.. she's no Liz Hurley (Veronica Mars actress actually looks -good-). ;)

At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There you go boy! Another proof that you have a strange taste in yer womenfolk!



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